Blueberry Honey

Blueberry honey is a delightful and flavorful variety of honey produced by honeybees that primarily gather nectar from blueberry blossoms. It’s typically harvested in regions where blueberry bushes thrive, such as in parts of the United States and Canada. It is a seasonal honey that reflects the terroir of blueberry orchards and wild blueberry fields.

Blueberry honey contains antioxidants derived from the nectar of blueberry blossoms. These antioxidants contribute to the honey’s potential health benefits and may support overall well-being.

Overall, blueberry honey is a special and flavorful honey variety that captures the essence of blueberry blossoms. Whether used in cooking, baking, or enjoyed on its own, blueberry honey adds a touch of fruity sweetness and natural goodness to a wide range of culinary creations. Experiment with blueberry honey to discover its unique taste and incorporate it into your favorite dishes and beverages.

Honey from blueberry bushes collected when the plants are in bloom and bees are pollinating each flower to produce fruit.

Try raw natural Florida honey and naturally infused honey. Offered by The Honey Couple.

