Bourbon Infused Honey

Bourbon Mixed With Honey. Who Came Up With That Idea?

We use Maker’s Mark bourbon and infuse it with our wildflower honey. Perfect blend of sweet with a rich bourbon flavor. Try it on pork, chicken and crackers with cheese. Also a great addition to cocktails!

While it’s difficult to pinpoint a specific individual or originator of this idea, there are several reasons why bourbon and honey work well together and why this combination has become popular. Both bourbon and honey have longstanding histories as cherished ingredients in various culinary and beverage traditions. Bourbon, a type of American whiskey, has been enjoyed for centuries, particularly in the southern United States where it originated. Honey, as a natural sweetener and flavor enhancer, has been used in culinary applications for millennia. Bourbon’s smooth and robust flavor profile, characterized by notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, pairs beautifully with the natural sweetness and floral nuances of honey. The addition of honey can soften the intensity of bourbon’s alcohol content while adding depth and complexity to the overall flavor.

Whoever first put these two flavors together deserves an award…

Try raw natural Florida honey and naturally infused honey. Offered by The Honey Couple.
