Garlic Infused Honey

Who’s Idea Was It To Put Garlic in Honey?

The idea of combining garlic with honey is not attributed to a specific individual but rather has emerged over time through culinary experimentation and traditional practices. Both garlic and honey have been valued for their health-promoting properties and culinary versatility in various cultures throughout history.

Both garlic and honey are known for their potential health benefits. Garlic is prized for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties. Honey also has natural antibacterial properties and is used in traditional medicine for its soothing effects on the throat and respiratory system. Combining garlic and honey may have been a way to create a natural remedy with enhanced health benefits.

We infuse raw garlic into our wildflower honey. If you’re a fan of garlic this is your Honey! It’s sweet with an amazing garlic flavor. This pairs perfectly with veggies like potatoes, carrots, green beans and brussels sprouts. Also great for making sauces or as a glaze on meats.

Try raw natural Florida honey and naturally infused honey. Offered by The Honey Couple.
